IntroductionThe Best IVF Doctor in Delhi, suggests that it is important to have an extensive knowledge about the procedure of fertility. So, here we have an important subject “Ovulation Period” to discuss regarding this.

Here, you will get information about the ovulation period and the signs which inform us about its departure.

Understanding ‘Ovulation Period’

According to the IVF Doctor in Delhi, ovulation period refers to the period of a woman’s menstrual cycle in which release of an egg from one of the ovaries takes place. This thing usually occurs around two weeks before the beginning of the menstrual period.

Let us now go through the indications, which will help you to recognize the end time of your ovulation period.

7 Signs indicating your Ovulation Period is Over by Best IVF Doctor

It is vital to have information regarding certain symptoms which indicates, end of your ovulation period. 

Presenting you the 7 signs below that you may witness, when your ovulation period is over:

  1. Change in Cervical Mucus Consistency:During ovulation, the mucus becomes thinner and stretchy along with a variation in color (egg white), while after ovulation, it becomes thicker and less stretchy, again in a different color (whitish-yellow or white).
  2. Change in Basal Body Temperature (BBT): Due to hormonal changes, the body’s resting temperature or basal body temperature (BBT) rises after ovulation.
  3. Change in Cervix Position:During ovulation, cervix position elevates relatively higher and becomes softer while at the end of ovulation period, it becomes lower and harder.
  4. Sex Drive Becomes low: After ovulation, estrogen levels drop down, bringing a decrease in libido (sexual desire).
  5. Hormone Level Changes: As per the IVF Doctor, during ovulation, progesterone levels increase with a decrease of estrogen levels, while at the end of ovulation period, estrogen levels elevate higher with a decline in progesterone levels, all due to hormonal changes.
  6. End of Ovulation Pain: During the ovulation period, a mild pain occurs along with an uncomfortable feeling. This pain disappears when the ovulation phase comes to an end.
  7. Tenderness in Breast: Sensitivity levels in the breast can be fluctuating during the menstrual cycle due to increased levels of estrogen whereas, after ovulation, breasts may become more swollen or tender with an increase in progesterone levels.


The Top IVF Doctor promotes awareness of having information regarding the fertility process and its subordinates as “ovulation period”. This has helped numerous couples in the process of fertility execution.

Knowing this information regarding ovulation period’s start and end would be helpful for you in order to plan a sexual intercourse with your partner aiming a successful conception around your fertility window, this will raise the chances of a fruitful pregnancy.

Overall, you can know when your ovulation period has reached its end by recognizing the symptoms mentioned above. These key points will make all of your doubts clear.

Apart from this, if you are facing any issue and problem during your ovulation period then you can consider IVF process as a fertility treatment option and also you should have primarily information about the IVF Cost in Delhi. It would help you in having a hassle free comparison between the top IVF centers who provide the treatment of IVF in terms of affordability and quality assistance.

By Ashan Ghumro

Guest post service provider.

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